As you are aware, WWDC 2013 took place today and with it came the announcement we have all been waiting for; iOS 7. Tim Cook described iOS 7 as the biggest change to iOS since the introduction of the iPhone before showing a video of what we can all expect. In line with rumors, this new OS is much flatter and cleaner than ever before but iOS 7 is a lot more than just that.

It is clear that Apple have listened to the complaints and quibbles of iPhone users and they have created and OS that we think everyone will love. With iOS 7 folders have been expanded. Folders now have pages allowing hundreds of apps to be stored within any folder. The notification centre has also been given a makeover and can be accessed without having to unlock your phone.

One of the main reasons that people jailbreak is for SBSettings. Now, finally, Apple has brought this feature natively with Control Center which allows such elements as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Airplane Mode to be activated or shut down in a passive, functional manner by simply swiping up.

Multitasking has had a major overhaul and true multitasking will now work for all apps with iOS 7 and you won't have to forgo any precious battery life either. The new multitasking will also pick up on your habits and strive to update your most commonly used apps while easing back on those you don't. It will also adapt to your network conditions, meaning if you are stuck on a sub-standard Wi-Fi hotspot or out in the sticks, it won't stretch your limited connectivity by trying to update and will instead wait till you have a strong connection.

Siri is also being revamps along with a new voice, a new UI and faster search results. Siri is also now ditching Google for Bing. Google is still however the default search engine for Safari. Safari is also getting a much needed update and is now faster than ever before. It has a brand new UI which looks great and switching between multiple tabs is much nicer.

There are plenty more great features included with iOS 7 and we will cover these in more detail later. For now, if you have a developer account you can download the beta version of iOS 7 and see what you make of it. We will see iOS 7 officially launching in the Fall so why not check it out now.
