Today sees the official release for iOS 7. This new firmware update represents a total overhaul to Apple's mobile OS and only time will tell what the public reaction will be. If you are in ownership of a device that is capable of running iOS 7, then you will need to back it up today before upgrading to the new iOS 7.
Apple release iOS 7 to the world today and if you want to be one of the first to get your hands on it then you need to make sure that you take note of the release schedule that can be found on the Apple website and get ready to upgrade as soon as it is available in your location. If we look at the release times of all the major iOS releases, almost all of the iOS 7 beta builds were released at 10am PDT. All of Apple's previous major iOS releases also went live to the public at 10am PT and if these are anything to go by, it is safe to say that iOS 7 will be released to the public at 10am PT in the United States.
Like everyone else, we are looking forward to this release and we want all our readers to be ready to grab this update as soon as it becomes available. If you are a UK resident then you release time will be approximately 6pm GMT. If you live in Sydney, Australia, 3am is when you will be able to get your hands on iOS 7. There is a chart on the Apple website that gives all the release times for iOS 7 for countries all over the world so be sure to go and check it out.
No matter where you reside, if you are planning to upgrade to iOS 7 you need to make sure that you backup your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch using iTunes or iCloud and save your SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 using a program like TinyUmbrella or iFaith so that you have the option of downgrading in the future should you need to.
As soon as Apple flips the release switch we will see iOS 7 updates starting to filter down to devices as an Over-The-Air update. It will also be available as a direct download for those who want to perform an upgrade using iTunes. IOS 7 is compatible with the iPad 2 (or above), iPad mini, iPhone 4 (or above) and the 5th generation iPod touch.
This is the day we have all been waiting for and we can't wait to hear your opinions on the new iOS 7 so be sure to leave your comments once you have upgraded.