With the release last week of iOS 7.0.2 to all iOS 7 compatible devices, a lot of people have been wondering whether or not updating their devices would hinder any chances of a future jailbreak. Well if you have been wondering, we have good news for you today.
The developers behind the jailbreaks haven't showed their hands just yet so it is highly unlikely that a new firmware release is going to hinder their progress. Thankfully though, MuscleNerd from the Evad3rs team has taken to twitter to confirm that those iOS 7 users looking to update their devices to iOS 7.0.2 can go ahead without any need to worry. MuscleNerd stated on twitter that Apple had provided an excessive amount of detail in their update notice and that since nothing about iOS 7.0.2 suggests that Apple has tried to implement any anti-jailbreak measures, it would be safe for all existing iOS 7 users to update without any kind of risk to a future jailbreak.
It goes without saying, that if you are still on iOS 6.x and enjoying a jailbreak, you should stay where you are as there is currently no estimated date for an iOS 7 jailbreak.
It often takes months of searching for security holes and extensive testing before a jailbreak is released to the public. Evad3rs have delivered a jailbreak in the past for iOS 6 and Cydia fans will be hoping that they can do the same with iOS 7. It does appear that Apple has implemented some new features and made changes based on popular jailbreak tweaks but the jailbreak scene will continue to thrive as long as iOS remains a closed source entity. The ability to tweak and alter the general experience beyond the mere installation of apps has become something of an institution to many idevice users. A jailbreak used to be easy for hackers to achieve, but Apple has gone to great lengths to ensure the process is now as tricky as possible.
As always, we will keep you updated on any jailbreak information we receive so be sure to stay tuned to our posts.