ATF Samsung S5, XiaoMi Repair v11.30 Update!! Public Discuss Thread:

original source Link: Click Here
Release Date: April 24, 2014
Firmware Version Required : 11.0.00
Multi-Brand + Multi-Method Boot Repair Update

eMMC Tool 2.5 (PRO)
--> Now updated to support .mmc repair files for easy BOOT REPAIRS via eMMC TP Connection
Initial Phone Support List:
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F - First in the World
Xiaomi Mi3W 16GB - QUALCOMM - First in the World
Xiaomi Mi2S 32GB - First in the World
Lumia 810 RM-878 - First in the World
Lumia 822 RM-845 - First in the World
Nokia X RM-980 - First in the World

Download eMMC Repair Files Here:
eMMC REPAIR FILES by Linus H. - 4shared

eMMC Repair Files are packed with HIGH RESOLUTION eMMC TP Pictures and
all the Partitions needed to recover your phone into a BOOTABLE STATE

SDC Tool 1.5--> Now Updated to support the NEWEST Samsung Exynos Octa and Snapdragon 800 Phones
Latest SDC Unbricker Files Created for SDC Tool 1.5:
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900H - First in the World
Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F - First in the World

Download the HOTTEST SDC Unbrick Files Here:
SAMSUNG SDC FILES by Linus H. - 4shared

Image Tool 1.3
--> Now Updated to support the NEWEST Samsung Official 4 Files + PIT for Snapdragon 800 and Exynos Octa
--> Now Supports BIGGER PDA Flash Files even for Computers with just 4GB of RAM
--> Fixed a bug on some Exynos 4412 Flash Files that cannot detect Phone Model

--> Added Lumia LUMIA 1320 RM-994 BIG BOOT 3056.40200.1407.0004
--> Added Lumia LUMIA 1320 RM-995 BIG BOOT 3056.40000.1401.1001
--> Added Lumia LUMIA 1320 RM-996 BIG BOOT 3056.40200.1407.0002

Download the Newest AFP Files Here:
ATF JTAG AFP FILES by Linus H. - 4shared

Windows Phone 8--> Fix some Test Mode 'FBUS' Bug when performing Self Tests
--> Internal Testing for 'Interop' Unlock via JTAG Launched

Android X
--> Fixed WinUSB Timeout Error

Other Changes
--> Complete Product Listing in Nokia.ini as of April 24, 2014

Special Thanks
--> For this update we give special thanks to lordmaxey who
pioneered Lumia WP8/WP8.1 Full Interop Unlock via ATF JTAG

Click below to download the advance turbo flasher setup V11.30


You can download atf previous Version: 
ATF Advance Turbo Flasher Setup v11.20 Free Download

Disclaimer: Although we always try to give the best and working flash files and firmwares, we do not guarantee the compatibility or accuracy of any of the files. So use them at your own risk!

Caution: Flashing and formatting of cell phone deleted all data like images, ringtones, music, contact numbers, etc. So it is important to take a backup of the data before flashing. Always use an upper or the same version while flashing BB5 mobile phones. Also keep in mind that downgrading the firmware version can create problems. So its better to use the same version or a later version.