Awesome Free and Fast VPN (No Download) for youtube
Run youtube in pakistan with free fast VPN connection.
Unblock youtube in pakistan, watch youtube video without popup
- From Windows 7 Desktop, click Start - Control Panel to open the control panel;
- Click Network and Internet, click Network and Sharing Center;
- Click Set up a new connection or network, then Connect to a workplace;
- Select option No, create a new cnonection, then Use my Internet connection (VPN);
- In the Internet Address text box, enter
- in Next window, use free as User name field, and use 1234 in the Password field, then click "Connect" button to start the free VPN connection!
It's pretty awesome. I've been using it for a bit, and it's really fast. I don't even really notice a difference from my normal speed. After you follow those steps, it'll appear in your list of places to connect. Just connect/disconnect to it as you wish.