Important Tips to Fight Bounce Rate on Your Website / Blog

Bounce  rate  is  something  which is  often  confused with  exit  rate,  the difference  is  important. Bounce
rate is originally the measure of people who bounced off a  single  page  (i.e., they  did  not  visit any other
pages  within  your  website), whereas the exit rate is actually a  measure of the percentage of visitors who
left  your  site  from that page.

The following are the important tips to reduce bounce rates:

1. A Better Design

It is important for every website owner to look at the design with an unbiased eye and ask if it is
appealing. Try to have an engaging design which is capable of capturing reader's attention and compel them to navigate through other pages of your site.

2. Loading Time

The loading time of your web page is an important factor in SEO as well as to have a visitor to stay on your site. If your website has more widgets or plugins and content, the slower your pages are going to load and the faster your site visitors will leave.

3. Try to Avoid Pop-ups

Pop-up ads are annoying for the visitors of your website. Only in very few cases they offer something
worth the trouble, but usually pop-ups disrupt the user experience.

4. Browser Compatibility

If you have used a single browser throughout the development of your site, there are chances you end
up failing to display many of your contents in another browser. Use your analytic tool to see the bounce by browser type or use a cross-browser compatibility testing tool like browser stack to check a page that is contributing to your bounce rate.

5. Optimize For Internet

Always remember this is clearly connected to information design; here ensure that you are serving your visitors with an experience that meets their expectations since they are using keywords to get to your pages.

6. Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Today it is important that your websites should be accessible from a mobile device or tablet. Do not
think mobile usability as a mean from a design compatibility and accessibility standpoint. It means the language on your site should be simple and clear enough for people on the go.

7. Smart Interlinking of Pages

Interlinking is yet another way to reduce the bounce rate greatly. Readers always show a good interest in clicking internal links on blog posts to know more by referring related topics.

8. Open External Links in New Windows

This is a very simple concept. If you're going to link out to a resource on your website, make sure you have it open on a new window instead of redirecting the user off your site.