FB Symbols, Chat Emoticons & Text Art Copy Paste Fun FB Symbols, Chat Emoticons & Text Art Copy Paste Fun 2014Make Fun With Just Copy & Paste in FB Chat Graphical Text For Facebook Chat/ MessageConvert Your Text Into Image For Facebook New Facebook Custom Emoticons 2013 Copy and paste the code in FB chat box or message. Use space between them. New Emos / Smiles for Facebook chat/message [[f9.cash]] [[f9.coffee1]] [[f9.cry]] [[f9.dull]] [[f9.giggle]] [[f9.inlove1]] [[f9.kiss1]] [[f9.mail]] [[f9.phone]] [[f9.punch]] [[f9.rain1]] [[f9.redflower1]] [[f9.rofl1]] [[f9.think]] [[f9.wonder]] [[f9.yawn]] emoticon code emoticon code [[f9.adore]] [[f9.angel]] [[f9.angry]] [[f9.bomb]] [[f9.bowl]] [[f9.brb]] [[f9.cake]] [[f9.callme]] [[f9.clap]] [[f9.coffee]] [[f9.confused]] [[f9.curllip]] [[f9.devilface]] [[f9.doctor]] [[f9.ghost]] [[f9.inlove]] [[f9.kiss]] [[f9.laugh]] [[f9.baloons]] [[f9.candle]] [[f9.cakepiece]] [[f9.billiard]] [[f9.fastfood]] [[f9.gift]] Country PortalArgentina Austria Belgium Bulgaria China Cuba Cyprus Denmark Dubai Ecuador France Finland Germany Hongkong Hungary Iraq Ireland Italy Israel Japan Jordan Lebanon Malaysia Mexico Middle East Netherlands Newzealand Nigeria Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Romania Saudi Arabia Singapore Spain Srilanka Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States [[f9.heart]] [[f9.skull]] [[f9.heartbreak]] [[f9.lying]] [[f9.stary]] [[f9.neutral]] [[f9.pizza]] [[f9.thumbsdown]] [[f9.plate]] [[f9.rain]] [[f9.sun]] [[f9.rainbow]] [[f9.rofl]] [[f9.sunrise]] [[f9.rose]] [[f9.rosedown]] [[f9.teddy]] [[f9.shock]] [[f9.shutmouth]] [[f9.tongue1]] [[f9.shy]] [[f9.silly]] [[f9.party]] [[f9.ring]] [[f9.sleepy]] [[f9.wine]] Facebook Original Emoticons Smile :) :-) :] =) Laugh :D :-D =D Frown :( :[ :-( =( Angel O:) O:-) Unsure :/ :-/ :\ :-\ Gasp :O :o :-O :-o Upset >:O >:-O >:o >:-o Wink ;) ;-) Cry :'( Heart <3 Packman :v Kiki ^_^ Tongue :P :p :-P :-p =P Glasses 8) B) 8-) B-) Devil 3:) 3:-) Sunglases 8| B| 8-| B-| Curly Lips :3 Confused o.O O.o Kiss :-* :* Squint -_- Grumpy >:( >:-( Shark (^^^) Penguin <(") Robot :[] Putnam :putnam: 42 :42: Thumbs up (y) poop :poop: Some where in Blog Emoticons in Facebook Chat [[x9lol]] [[x9chup]] [[x9sad]] [[x9hasi]] [[x9obak]] [[x9cry]] [[x9cham]] [[x9khikz]] [[x9angry]] [[x9moja]] _____________________________________________________________________