First released on the 18th of September, iOS 7 has been updated for the second time and iOS 7.0.2 for iPhone 5s, 5, 4s, 4, iPad and iPod touch has now been released. The initial update was followed very quickly by iOS 7.0.1 for the newer devices on the market and now iOS 7.0.2 for all iOS 7 compatible iPhones, iPads and iPod touches has been released.
As with any new release of iOS, iOS 7 has had its fair share of teething problems in particular the security lapses that have been found through the new lock screen. A couple of days after the release of iOS 7, a bug was found that allowed a potential intruder to access private information via the new control center. By following a few simple steps, a video demonstrated just how easy it was for someone to access email and photos on a locked device. A short term solution was to disable the control center on the lock screen but iOS 7.0.2 should see this problem eradicated.
A couple of days later, there was another lock screen bug that allowed calls to be made on a locked device by exploiting the emergency call feature. Instead of typing in an emergency number, you could actually type in any number you wanted and by repeatedly pressing the green call button the call would go through. This has also been fixed in iOS 7.0.2.
Apart from fixing these bugs, Apple has reintroduced the Greek keyboard option for passcode entry. If you are one of the many waiting for its return you will be happy.
Apple prides itself on keeping security issues to a minimum and has been very swift in its response to these problems. If you are running iOS 7 on any device, we recommend that you go ahead and download the update using iTunes or the OTA feature within your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch settings screen.