The jailbreak for iOS 6/6.1 has now officially entered private beta testing. The Evasi0n untethered jailbreak for iOS 6 and iOS 6.1 is now closer than ever and a release date of Sunday has been announced. The Evasi0n website has been updated again and this time they are stating the the jailbreak tool for public release is now 75% complete. The Evad3ers team has now begun rolling the windows and mac tools to a private pool of beta testers.

Pod2g has taken to twitter to confirm that the team is now really close to release and asks everyone to stay tuned. This is the news that we have all been anxiously waiting for and this jailbreak as we already know is compatible with all versions of iOS 6 released. It also supports every device on which the latest release of Apple's firmware can run. Once this tool is ready and released to the public every iPhone from 3GS upwards along with every iPad and iPod touch will be jailbreakable provided that they are running some variety of iOS 6.

This jailbreak has been a long time coming and many of us have been following the updates since the September release of iOS 6. For a while it looked as though we were never going to see a jailbreak for iOS 6 but now we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This jailbeak is going to be untethered which means that people won't have to connect their device to a computer every time it is rebooted or turned off. It really is fantastic news and we can't wait to get our hands on this iPhone 5 jailbreak. The clock is ticking and once this jailbreak goes live we will be sure to let you know.
